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How To Go To Sabang From Banda Aceh

Sabang is a city in Aceh, Indonesia. This city is an archipelago across the north of the island of Sumatra, with Pulau Weh as the largest island. Sabang City is a free economic zone in Indonesia. Sabang is often referred to as the northernmost point of the Republic of Indonesia. This northernmost location is precisely on Rondo Island. As the outermost region of Indonesia, there is no public transportation to get there.

The natural beauty of Sabang has been known for a long time. So many tourists come to visit there. Almost every corner of this city has its own characteristics. From natural beauty, culinary tourism, cultural tourism, to historical buildings and buildings as icons of Sabang City.

So how can we easily get to Sabang City? The following means of transportation that can be used to get to Sabang City:

1. Fast Ship


Fast boats are a decent transportation option for those of you who want to get to Sabang quickly. This voyage will start from Ulhe Lheu Port in Banda Aceh City with Balohan Sabang Port as the destination. The time taken in the journey is for 45 minutes cruise. The ticket fare charged for adult passengers is 120,000 rupiah for VIP class, 95,000 rupiah for executive class, and 75,000 rupiah for local residents of Sabang.

As for passenger children aged 4-10 years, the ticket fare charged is 110,000 rupiah for the VIP class, 85,000 rupiah for the executive class,

From Ulhe Lheu Port, Banda Aceh, the ship will depart at 08.00 WIB, 10.00 WIB, and 16.15 WIB.
Meanwhile, from Balohan Sabang Harbor, the ship will depart at 08.00 WIB, 14.30 WIB, and 17.00 WIB.

Schedule can change at any time. To follow the schedule development information, you can look at the Instagram account of the Aceh Provincial Transportation Service @dishub_aceh.

2. Ferry

The ferry is a suitable transportation option for those of you who want to relax and enjoy the time on the cruise to Sabang City. This cruise will also start from Ulhe Lheu Port in Banda Aceh City. The time taken in the journey is for 90 minutes cruise. The ticket fare charged for adult passengers is IDR 58,000 for executive class, and IDR 29,000 for economy class. There is no VIP class on this ship

As for passenger children aged 4-10 years, the ticket fare charged is 46,000 rupiah for executive class, 16,200 rupiah for economy class.

The ferry will also transport other vehicles such as bicycles, motorbikes, cars and trucks. While fast boats cannot carry these vehicles.

From Ulhe Lheu Port, Banda Aceh, the ship will depart at 10.30 WIB and 16.00 WIB.
Meanwhile, from Balohan Sabang Harbor, the ship will depart at 07.30 WIB, 14.00 WIB, and 18.30 WIB.

Schedule can change at any time. To follow the schedule development information, you can look at the Instagram account of the Aceh Provincial Transportation Service @dishub_aceh.

3. Airplanes
The city of Sabang has an airport that can be used for small ATR type aircraft. Usually this flight can carry 72 passengers. The airport in Sabang City is named Maimun Saleh. Unfortunately, currently flights to Maimun Saleh Airport are closed again. Previously there were flights from Kualanamu Airport in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province.

Upon arrival at Balohan Sabang Harbor, you can use public transportation. There will be many people who offer transportation services to the destination. The price offered is in accordance with the rates that have been set. Another option is to rent a vehicle. You can rent a motorbike or car around the port.


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